Portfolio Welcome: Breakout

We are thrilled to welcome Washinton D.C.,-based Breakout to the RevUp portfolio. Led by superstar founder CEO Kari Clark, Breakout is creating a global platform for distributed company culture. Inspired by the rapid change in how and where people work, Breakout offers team building experiences and activity kits for a broad segment of enterprise customers.

Breakout offers their customers 30+ productized virtual team building events, some complemented by a physical box that is shipped to event participants in advance. Break out provides everything that an event organizer needs, even a facilitator if budget allows it. And unlike competitors, marketplaces where beleaguered managers and program leaders must sift through a tsunami of "stuff" to find what they need, Breakout offers a suite of in-house created offerings that can be customized to a buyers unique needs and goals.

There has been a massive shift in how / where people work. Even before COVID, many companies had begun to use remote workers in roles that historically were “on site” positions. For forward-looking organizations that wanted to attract a younger workforce, and those not located in popular geographies, opening the doors to remote workers has long been essential to their talent strategy.

But enter covid, and accommodating a remote work force became an overnight necessity for many orgs who were ill-prepared to make the make the quick switch. Many workers have made clear that they are never going back to commuting full time. And gone are the days when a new job means packing up your family and moving across the country. And even if workers can be enticed back, there is significant evidence that many organizations do not plan to force their workers back into physical offices en masse. For many, the cost savings of reducing their physical footprint has been a compelling accelerant for making the switch to distributed teams.

BUT...creating company culture and engaging teams to inspire / enable peak performance has been a perennial challenge for leadership and management. With the aforementioned switch to remote work, the toolkit for running these activities was ripe for a major overhaul. This has left many leaders and managers desperate to find new, easy to implement, and affordable solutions to host engaging experiences virtually. Perhaps most importantly, after almost 3 years of shitty virtual events, leaders and managers want things to be fun!

Enter Breakout to fill this void. The platform is essentially a marketplace of experiences that managers can access to find the right virtual experience for their teams. Some experiences are complimented by a physical product that is sent to each participant pre-event.

A key component of Breakout’s offering is “turnkey” service. The productized events were made in-house by event and team building experts. The product offering includes management and logistics. And the platform has built in analytics to measure ROI.

In short, Breakout is AMAZING. If you have a team you want to engage effectively, joyfully and with less effort and cost...go here now! We are thrilled to welcome Kari and the team to the portfolio!

More About RevUp Capital 

RevUp Capital invests in B2B and B2C companies that are revenue-driven and ready to double down on growth. We deploy cash and capacity to help companies grow from $1-3M to $10-30M, quickly and efficiently, using a revenue-based model. Companies enter our portfolio with $500K-$3M in revenue, a strong growth rate, and a team that’s ready to scale. Our typical investment range is $300K-$500K.

We invest into a company's market-facing activity using a cash and capacity model. We pair our cash investment with dedicated support from the RevUp Growth Platform: a powerful resource to build a data-driven growth engine, delivered by people who get the work done. Rather than take equity, companies return investment through a small percentage of revenue over time. More at www.revupfund.com


Meet us in Washington, D.C. Feb 6-8


Happy ReveNew Year 2023